Our Services And Programs
Want to know the best thing about Turning Point’s services? They work!
We provide confidential individual peer-to-peer coaching for wherever you are on your recovery journey. We also offer wellness programs that can help you stay physically and mentally healthy. And if you’ve lost your driving privileges, our Impaired Driver Rehabilitation Program (IDRP/Crash) can help you get reinstated. We also offer family coaching, and harm reduction education and kits.

Paradise Recovery House
Paradise Recovery House is a safe, healthy, family-like, substance-free living environment that supports individuals who are in recovery from addiction. The residence is centered on a combination of peer support and a connection to services that promote long-term recovery. The new recovery house will reinforce a substance-free lifestyle and provide direct connections to other peers in recovery, mutual support groups, and recovery support services.
Our house will have two four-bedroom units. All members of the house will have Recovery Coaches assigned and will be working towards a lifestyle change that will benefit not only themselves but their families and the community they live in.
If interested in applying for membership, please complete the online application:
In addition to the online application, please fill out the questionnaire form below and submit it directly to Dylan Johnson at d.johnson@tpcbennington.org

One on One Recovery Coaching
We offer one-on-one peer recovery coaching by staff who are either in recovery or have been impacted by a loved one’s substance use disorder.
Our coaches will help you:
Find ways to stop addictive behaviors
Find the right resources to help you make progress
Make progress toward your life goals
Gain personal insights and better self-awareness
Celebrate your successes

Family Coaching
When a family is impacted by a member’s Substance Use Disorder, they can feel helpless, angry, and confused. Turning Point offers family coaching that can:
Give you deeper understanding of what your family member is going through
Offer you ways to establish healthy boundaries and work through the confusion
Help you develop a plan to maintain family strength, support your loved one, and know what is beyond your control to manage
Support you with education, resources, and genuine caring

Impaired Driver Rehabilitation Program (IDRP/Crash)
If you’ve lost your driving privileges our IDRP/Crash program can help you regain them. The process
has four simple steps:
Apply for the program
Complete a drug/alcohol screening
Complete a class
Have a successful exit interview
A member of or staff can give you more information and help you get started.

Because Substance Use Disorder impacts your physical and emotional wellbeing, we offereducation and programs that help you stay strong and centered. Your peer recovery coach willwork with you to ensure wellness is part of your ongoing plan.

Harm Reduction
We provide education on harm reduction, and offer free Harm Reduction Kits that include NARCAN(Naloxone). NARCAN is a rescue drug that reverses the effects of heroin or other opiate overdose. If you know someone at risk of an overdose consider carrying NARCAN, available free at the TurningPoint Center.Stop by our office to obtain free harm reduction kits.