Our Services And Programs
Want to know the best thing about Turning Point’s services? They work!
We provide confidential individual peer-to-peer coaching for wherever you are on your recovery journey. We also offer wellness programs that can help you stay physically and mentally healthy. And if you’ve lost your driving privileges, our Impaired Driver Rehabilitation Program (IDRP/Crash) can help you get reinstated. We also offer family coaching, and harm reduction education and kits.

One-on-One Peer Coaching
We offer expert individual peer coaching. Each member of our staff is either in recovery or has been impacted by a loved one’s addiction. They have the knowledge and training to help get you on the road to recovery.

Family Coaching
If you’re feeling helpless or stressed because of a family member’s substance abuse, our trained staff can help.

Staying physically and emotionally healthy is a big part of recovery. We have plenty of resources to help you achieve wellness in mind and body.

Harm Reduction
Is a friend or family at risk of overdosing? We offer harm reduction kits that include NARCAN, and can coach you on how to use them.

Impaired Driver Rehabilitation Program (Crash)
Have you lost your driving privileges? Our IDRP/Crash program can help you regain them.