Turning Point Center of Bennington CountyImpaired Driver Rehabilitation Program (IDRP)
IDRP Program Guidelines – Intensive Program and Non-Intensive Program
The Bennington IDRP program has two options for the IDRP Education and Evaluation program. The programs are for people with first and second offenses seeking reinstatement of driving privileges, as well as court ordered participants .
All IDRP classes are conducted online via Zoom. You will need to complete the IDRP Registration Packet to attend the program.
IDRP Class Registration Process and Instructions
Print & Mail-in in your registration packet and fees. Complete and mail the registration material (3 forms) found in download links above, along with your $400 bank check or money order, made out to Bennington Turning Point, IDRP Registration; mail to ATTN: Kristen Galenus, Turning Point Center, P.O. Box 454, Bennington, VT 05201
If unable to print from Turning Point's website, please call Kristen Galenus (802) 681-5720 to have the registration packet mailed or stop by our offices, located at 160 Benmont Ave. in Bennington.
A total registration fee of $400 (bank check or money order), made out to Turning Point, is due with your mail-in registration. We are unable to accept personal checks or debit/credit cards. Once we receive your registration, we will obtain your driver abstract and mail your class workbook. Please submit your registration at least 10 business days before the class begins.
If applying for Lifetime Suspension/Total Abstinence, please submit a $180.00 bank check or money order to Turning Point for the Evaluation process. For more information about Total Abstinence, please visit Total Abstinence or call DMV at (802) 828-2067.
Completion of a Drug and Alcohol Screening: The IDRP Evaluator, Kristi Pepoon, will call to schedule the Intake Evaluation and provide more detailed information about the program. You cannot be placed on the class roster until your intake is scheduled. The treatment requirements for license reinstatement are provided to the client by the IDRP Evaluator. For first offenders, if treatment is determined to be necessary by the IDRP evaluator, treatment must consist of a minimum of four (4) hours in no fewer than four (4) weeks. Treatment must consist of a minimum of four (4) hours in no fewer than four (4) weeks. Clients with two or more convictions (including clients with life suspensions who are completing the Total Abstinence application) must complete 20 hours of treatment over a minimum of 24 weeks. Please note that these are the minimum requirements. You are responsible for contacting the treatment provider. Please see our list of recommended providers on our resource page.
Completion of the IDRP Education Component: Participants with first and second offenses are required to complete the education component, either thru the weekend Intensive program or the 2-week Tuesday/Thursday evening program. An hour lunch break is included in the weekend program.
Completion of an Exit Interview (if required) with the IDRP Evaluator once the IDRP Education Component has been completed and the required Treatment Completion forms are faxed or sent to Kristi Pepoon, IDRP Evaluator.
You will be notified via email with a link to a Zoom Meeting for the IDRP class.
Three Forms Needed for Mail-in
We ask you to please have your paperwork mailed to us no later than one week before the class begins. Early registration is recommended to reserve your spot.
Evaluation Information – Fill out the top section from your signature. PID is your license # or photo ID #.
Release of Confidential Information - Please fill out your name and date of birth on top and sign and date on the bottom. Include your email. Include additional contact names, addresses, and fax numbers you will need your completed forms sent.
Expectations for Participants Form – Sign and Add your 1st & 2nd class preference at the bottom.
Other requirements or suspensions may need to be satisfied before your privilege to drive can be reinstated. In these instances, contact the Vermont DMV at (802) 828-2050 / fax (866) 272-7989
Kristen Galenus: General Programming Questions, (802) 681-5720
Kristi Pepoon: IDRP Evaluator, (802) 733-5566 / fax (802) 753-7052
IDRP Central Office: Burlington, VT (802) 651-1574 / Fax (866) 272-7989
Ignition Lock DMV: (802) 828-2061
VT State Website of IDRP Programs: healthvermont.gov